Following the opening movie reveal for Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis -The Answer-, Atlus has posted an official FAQ detailing information that all players should know.
Firstly, the developer confirmed that you do not need to complete Persona 3 Reload’s main story to access Episode Aigis, as it will be separately selectable on the title screen. Additionally, the difficulty level can be changed at any point in the game except the Heartless difficulty, which is the hardest mode that can only be chosen at the start of a playthrough.
The Persona Compendium from the base game can be transferred over from the base game to Episode Aigis, but only Personas below Aigis’ level can be chosen. Further, the Heartless difficulty mode will not enable Persona Compendium transference.
Atlus also clarified that the DLC will be freely upgradeable from PlayStation 4 to PlayStation 5 and that the costumes for the new character, Metis, can be obtained by playing through Episode Aiigs. The first two DLC costume packs can be used as well.
Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis -The Answer- will be released on September 10, 2024.
Following the events of The Journey seen throughout Persona 3 Reload, the cast sans the protagonist finds themselves in a Groundhog Day scenario with a repeatable March 31.
Aigis becomes the new protagonist with the Wild Card, and after meeting a fellow Shadow combat weapon by the name of Metis, everyone traverses new dungeons to escape this loop. This epilogue was initially included with Persona 3 FES on PlayStation 2.
Persona 3 Reload became Atlus’ fastest-selling game ever, with over one million units since launch.
Persona 3 Reload is now available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Windows, and Steam.
Hi, what do you mean at this part “The first two DLC costume packs can be used as well.”?