Special Feature

Welcome to our Special Features category of travel posts. This is where you’ll find our more in depth reports on various aspects of urban travel (and the occasional day trip or getaway!). This category is often twinned with our “experience”, “trend” and (coming soon) “escape” categories.

The Editor encounters epic mountain ranges, prehistoric cave paintings, rugged coastline and pretty towns on his travels in Northern Spain, as Cantabria proves to be the holiday that the weather can’t spoil… The whole of Green Spain is a paradise for nature lovers, but nowhere in my journeys across these four northern coastal…

As part of his trip along Spain’s unspoiled Northern coastline, Duncan Rhodes explores the ancient land and culture of the Basques, discovering first hand both its natural beauty and its spirited cities and towns… “Everyone who has visited the Basque Country longs to return; it is a blessed land.” So…

The Way of St. James is a pilgrimage that takes many routes, and many forms. The Editor takes the so-called Northern Route, across "Green Spain", in a form that involves as little actual walking as possible...

No seafood please, we're Spanish! The Editor embarks on a quest to try the authentic Valencian-style paella, which has its roots in the marshes and not the Mediterranean as many people believe...

Peer to peer just went gangster in Barcelona thanks to travel company Trip4Real… Duncan Rhodes books a sea view lunch with none other than Dani “El Millionario” Rojo, Spain’s most wanted felon. “Robbing a bank is addictive – like fucking. It’s really orgasmic,” says my lunch companion, as he pries open…