Special Feature

Welcome to our Special Features category of travel posts. This is where you’ll find our more in depth reports on various aspects of urban travel (and the occasional day trip or getaway!). This category is often twinned with our “experience”, “trend” and (coming soon) “escape” categories.

With e-readers and online markets threatening book shops with extinction around the world, Duncan Rhodes is intrigued to discover that Bucharest’s “librării” have evolved to become curators of all things cultural and cool…

As the tourists desert Croatia’s stunning coastline this September, Stuart Wadsworth sets off to explore by bike and ferry. Along the road from Trieste to Dubrovnik he is smitten, and bitten, in equal measure… A pleasant tail-breeze was blowing, a herd of sheep were braying by the side of the…

Ljubljana's Libraries Under The Treetops are, contrary to societal norms, spacious, green, airy, oxygen infused affairs of relaxed bookish camaraderie. These ad hoc athenaeums spring up every summer in the Slovenia capital in an ever increasing number of leafy locations...

Sherlock Holmes used it to defeat Moriaty at the Reisenbach Falls, but what exactly is Bartitsu and is it still relevant today? We arm Michael Bailey with a cloak, umbrella and top hat and send him to find out… After not contributing to Urban Travel Blog for some time I…

For years Colombians have exported all their best beans, preferring to sip on sugary ‘tinto’ instead of real coffee. In Bogota however a revolution is brewing, and James Pengelley is keen to meet those who are stirring it up… The first word on most peoples’ lips when conversation turns to…