Photo Story

Our series of photo stories are visual investigations of people, street art, food markets, festivals, architectural splendour (and ruins), found in amazing cities around the world. City life is full of arresting images on every curb and corner, so check out what our photographers have posted recently below…

Until recently a walk ‘po drugiej stronie’, or ‘on the other side’ was considered a brave – if not foolhardy- move by Cracovians. The river Vistula was the boundary where the civilised side of Krakow ended and a rough and ready area called Podgorze began… it was the sort of…

Anna Spysz risks frostbite to photograph, and talk to, Krakow’s swans during a particularly nippy weekend in Poland. Michael Dlugi shivers along for the ride. Contrary to popular opinion, Poland is not located in Siberia. Sure, it gets cold here in the winter, but, as a rule, the rivers do…

Monday to Friday and the City of London is alive with power-suited bankers and their smartly-attired secretaries, busily bringing down the British economy. Crowds commute, offices bustle with industry, important conversations are shouted into mobile phones and earpieces, and eateries thrive as innumerable business lunches are put on expense accounts.…