The Atelier series began in 1997 as a Japanese exclusive RPG on PlayStation. Once it became a series, western players would finally be introduced to its adventurous narrative and charming cast of characters. We will focus on these characters today and give you a list of ten Alchemists ranked.
10. Firis Mistlud (Atelier Firis: The Alchemist and the Mysterious Journey)
Firis had a sheltered environment, well, a cave, to be exact. However, one day, an alchemist named Sophie made a grand entrance and opened up a world of adventure to Firis. Firis stands out in the series, exploring large areas through a semi-open world environment. Her goal has a deadline that she must meet to become an alchemist, which forces her to crash course her way into this profession. It’s for that reason that she has made this list. Also, her backpack is adorable.
9. Elmerulia Frixell (Atelier Lulua: The Scion of Arland)
Lulua is the adopted daughter of Rorona. This opens up the world of alchemy to her in a way altogether unique when compared to other protagonists. Even though she’s not directly trained by Rorona herself, the status of being her daughter does grant a certain degree of stress that she ends up overcoming the negatives of and embracing the positives of. She finds her own identity outside of her mother’s lofty shadow thanks to her alchemical skill shining by the end of her journey.
8. Totooria Helmold (Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland)
Totori is the first student of Rorona, the Arland trilogy’s first protagonist. This alone makes her significant, but her timid nature, melded with her gradual growth, makes her eventual alchemy aptitude admirable. She grows to be a dependable alchemist and deserves respect for prevailing over her weaknesses. But, of course, Totori is also Azario’s favorite, so there’s a clear bias here.
7. Shallotte Elminus (Atelier Shallie: Alchemists of the Dusk Sea)
Shallotte is one of the two Shallies in Atelier Shallie. That’s a lot of Shallie. She’s the green-haired and more tomboyish of the two, being more rambunctious than the typically conventional protagonists set forth by the series. Further, her yearning for money is relatable on a conceptual level, providing a fresh perspective of alchemy as more of a financial boon than ever before. Still, she has a warm heart deep down and uses her skills for good.
6. Ayesha Altugle ( Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk)
Ayesha is the first protagonist of the Dusk trilogy, being akin to Rorona in legendary status. She is airheaded and friendly, potentially making her seem as one not too knowledgeable on a subject as complex as alchemy. However, looks can be deceiving, and Ayesha turns out to be a skillful alchemist in every sense of the word. Further, her determined, upbeat nature can be seen as a blueprint for several of the franchise’s protagonists.