
Of all the Polish cities, the capital is the hardest to love. Destroyed by the Nazis during WWII, Warsaw’s reconstructed Old Town still feels fake, whilst the rest of the city is an ill-thought out concrete jumble. Still the urban traveller should feel right at home, once they’ve located the cool cafes, hidden beach bars, sizzling underground clubs. There’s also a burgeoning contemporary arts scene, and the once no go district of Stara Praga is full of exciting discoveries.

Meanwhile the likes of Krakow, Wroclaw, Poznan and Lublin combine beautiful architecture with student-fuelled nightlife (all are university cities) perfect for wild weekend breaks – whereas the post industrial town of Lodz is Poland’s dark horse, much loved by David Lynch. Everywhere you travel in Poland, the warmth of the people – and the vodka – offset the cold of those East European winters. During summer hit the happening beach resort of Sopot on the Baltic sea.

Krakow is one city that casts a charm over all who visit. Duncan Rhodes experiences the allure of Poland’s ancient capital, with its myths, magicians and medieval architecture. “Magiczny Krakow” (Magical Krakow) is how Poles refer to their ancient capital (Warsaw only took over in 1596), and the epithet fits…

Poland’s grand eastern city looks destined to be the last discovered by travellers. A one time bastion of Jewish culture, and now lively University city, Stuart Wadsworth finds plenty to recommend in Lublin. Long in the shadows of hipper, more well-known destinations in Poland such as Krakow, Wroclaw and Warsaw,…

With a resplendent Market Square, two castles, ribald nightlife and even a touch of hipster culture (check out the container village on the beach!), Kai Warmbold says it’s time to pay attention to Poznan… Located almost exactly between Warsaw and Berlin, Poznań is naturally overshadowed by these two major central…

Hop in an East German Trabant to the Communist zone of Nowa Huta, invite yourself to a local's house for dinner or hang out with the hipsters at Forum Przestrzenie. Duncan Rhodes shares his top secrets for Krakow.

Breslau Großer Ring Panorama

Virtually every city in Poland boasts a stunning market square, but arguably the fairest of all them all is Wroclaw’s very own Rynek. Jorg Dietrich shares his panaramic photos and some of the Germanic history behind this iconic square. Wroclaw has been a city in focus throughout 2016, as a…