
The Editor may be safely back in Europe, but his summer adventures in Brazil continue right here on UTB. After partying hard for eight days during Carnaval, is it finally time for him to experience some culture? After lying in bed for 24 hours after Carnaval there was only one…

After weeks of pre-parties and anticipation, the Editor finally gets to experience the real Carnival in Brazil. However it seems his beloved sleep is not on the agenda… “A-CORDA, A-CORDA, A-CORDA!!!!” I am fast asleep in my hammock, in the imagined safety of a family home in Olinda’s old town,…

Having mastered Portuguese and explored Rio in full, The Editor gets on a jet plane and heads North East to the region of Pernambuco for one of Brazil’s best carnivals… I touched down in Recife on a hugely expensive internal flight from Rio de Janeiro, three days before Carnaval proper…

Enjoy the rest of the winter suckers readers, I’m off to Brazil! And I’m unrepentently smug about it. It’s been a long time coming after all… It was back in 2001 that I and two fellow swashbuckling musketeers, after grinding away in the office for a couple of depressing post-Uni…