
Below the sunny squares of Poland’s royal capital lies a shadowy world of legends and fantasy, music and cabaret… vodka and beer. Nick Hodge is your guide as we delve deep into the five best cellar joints in Krakow. Beelzebub comes in many guises and, according to local legend, the…

Cheap and filling, it’s often hard to separate the Polish pierog from hard times under the Communist hammer. But with exotic fillings now en vogue the dumpling is reinventing itself as a decidedly bourgeois treat says Simon Taylor. There’s no denying that the Poles love their pierogi (dumplings). Found in cheap…

Krakow’s trams are an integral part of the city’s infrastructure and aesthetic. These rumbling blue machines stretch out from the medieval Old Town, with its spires and steeples, to the outskirts of the city, where a mix of Communist and modern apartment blocks house the majority of the population, ferrying…

Until recently a walk ‘po drugiej stronie’, or ‘on the other side’ was considered a brave – if not foolhardy- move by Cracovians. The river Vistula was the boundary where the civilised side of Krakow ended and a rough and ready area called Podgorze began… it was the sort of…

Anna Spysz risks frostbite to photograph, and talk to, Krakow’s swans during a particularly nippy weekend in Poland. Michael Dlugi shivers along for the ride. Contrary to popular opinion, Poland is not located in Siberia. Sure, it gets cold here in the winter, but, as a rule, the rivers do…