Dengeki has announced that chapter eight of the manga of the A Certain Magical Index spinoff, Toaru Anbu no Item, is now available via their Dengeki Daioh October 2024 magazine for ¥700.
This series, roughly translated to A Certain Dark Side ITEM, follows ITEM, a group residing in the dark side of Academy City. This story delves into how this group managed to form, initially comprised of four members.
The fourth-ranked Level Five of Academy City, Shizuri Mugino, also known as Meltdowner, can be seen as the leader of ITEM. Another core member is Rikou Takitsubo, who is able to track other Espers via her ability, AIM Stalker. The other two members are Frenda Seivelun and Saiai Kinuhata, who use explosives and the Offense Armor ability, respectively.
Shiage Hamazura joins ITEM in the later parts of A Certain Magical Index Old Testament, where they become an integral focus for a while. Moreover, A Scientific Railgun prominently focuses on ITEM, especially Frenda.
You can view the preview pages of Toaru Anbu no Item (A Certain Dark Side ITEM) chapter eight via our gallery below:
This spinoff manga’s first volume was released in June 2024.
The third volume of this spinoff’s light novel was released earlier this year.