Bandai Namco has shared a new Code Vein illustration by art director Koichi Itakura to celebrate the game’s fifth anniversary. Considering how Bandai never fails to acknowledge notable feats with this title, perhaps we’ll be getting some more significant news down the line.
Code Vein is an action-adventure game where players will be able to craft their weapons and customize their experience by fine-tuning their character’s playstyle during the game’s dark and gritty narrative. The game focuses heavily on character growth and weapon customization as the player searches for Blood Beads in a post-apocalyptic world.
Players assume the role of a revenant searching for a cure for the desire of blood beads. They are a rare source of energy for revenants in this demon-filled planet. However, every mission puts that at risk of becoming a member of the lost or even dead. The game focuses on skill-based combat, where players will likely die multiple times as they continually grow more adept at the challenging foes that await them.
The game was confirmed to have sold over three million units earlier last year.
You can view the latest anniversary artwork for Code Vein below:
Needs more tits…err, I mean more Io.