Stand-Alone introduces players to a narrative where familiar stories are retold with unexpected twists. The game follows a guardian robot, once responsible for protecting sheep, that has lost its memory and been transformed into a “robo-sheep.”
After a plot led by Dr. Wolf leads to a massacre of the sheep, the robo-sheep must now confront wolves and uncover hidden truths about the world. The story delves into themes of survival, self-discovery, and deception as the robo-sheep faces various challenges, all while learning more about its past and the world it inhabits.
Developer LiFuel has launched a demo for their pixel-art side-scrolling action roguelite Stand-Alone on PC via Steam. The demo features the first chapter of gameplay, where players can choose different nodes to explore a variety of randomly generated rooms. While playing, they can earn rewards such as currency, chips, and skills, all while unlocking new weapons. Players can even enhance their abilities by modifying their skills with various active or passive effects, allowing them to craft a personalized playstyle.
The gameplay in Stand-Alone is action-packed, focusing on kinetic combat with responsive controls. Players can download new skills from defeated enemies and modify them, creating unique strategies to take on the game’s evolving challenges. The game emphasizes creativity in combat, allowing players to heavily modify their abilities to overpower enemies. Along the journey, players will also encounter bosses with stories tied to the world’s hidden truths, slowly unraveling the secrets of the robo-sheep’s past.