Following the global launch of the free-to-play iteration of The Legend of Heroes: Gagharv Trilogy, FOW Games has unveiled new key art of The Legend of Heroes V: Cagesong of the Ocean.
The main cast is highlighted in their latest depictions, as seen in the game’s art style. Further, this poster is a recreation of a similarly posed older illustration.
Check out the official 52 English character profiles and illustrations.
For those unaware of what the Gagharv trilogy comprises, it contains the third, fourth, and fifth entries in The Legend of Heroes franchise proper. The stories here are connected, as they occur in the same world, but it is entirely separate from the currently ongoing Trails series.
These three games are The Legend of Heroes III: The White Witch, The Legend of Heroes IV: A Tear of Vermillion, and The Legend of Heroes V: Cagesong of the Ocean.
While these entries were localized on PSP, those remakes and their collective translation quality are not quite beloved by fans, instead earning mixed to negative reception.
Last year, fan translation team Geofront announced that they are working on a fan translation of the PC version of The Legend of Heroes III: The White Witch, which is generally seen as the best iteration of the title.
You can view the new key art for The Legend of Heroes: A Tear of Vermillion alongside the original artwork it is likely based on below: