Top Five (Best of)

Everyone loves a good list, and in this series of posts we evaluate the top 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 of famous talking points around the world…. be they the best bath houses in Budapest, the finest microbreweries in Prague, the choicest pierogi in Krakow, or the hippest cocktail lounges in Paris. Trust our writers to send you to only the best places in town!

Meat and dairy is so passé in LA, where a vegan diet complements the healthy lifestyle of its socially-aware inhabitants. But where are the best places for vegan food in town? Kaila Yu reports… If you think vegan food is boring, then you obviously haven’t been to Los Angeles –…

Flan, tarte Monge, pain au chocolat… or just a bloody brilliant croissant! Paris resident Jana Markova runs down five of the very best boulangeries in the capital, and their signature treat. One can’t imagine Paris without its particular tiny bakeries that are literally found on every single street corner. In…

You can have your cake and eat it! Unless you accidentally drop it on the floor of Bully’s Bakery, in which case the resident French bulldog will snap it right up. Laura Harker shares the best beans and biscuits in Berlin… The tradition of afternoon Kaffee und Kuchen (coffee and…

It’s altitude not attitude that matters in Budapest these days, with a host of high rise watering holes bringing new life to the bar scene. Ben Rhodes selects his favourites… When our ever-smiling guide Elza, of Budapest Underguide, told us that the next bar we were heading to only opened…

Sasha Arms explores the unique and unpredictable museum scene of Havana, and reveals her five favourite options for oddball culture in the ever-surprising Cuban capital. Few would argue that Havana is a city of intense contrasts and the unexpected – rapidly evolving and recreating itself almost on a daily basis.…