The Gundam Breaker series has long been cherished by fans for its unique blend of customization and action, allowing players to create their own Gundam models and take them into battle. With the announcement of Gundam Breaker 4, excitement within the community has reached new heights. I recently had the chance to speak with Masanori Tanaka, the game’s producer, about what players can expect from this highly anticipated installment.
A Return to Form
After the mixed reception of previous titles, the decision to develop Gundam Breaker 4 was driven by the passionate feedback from the series’ dedicated fanbase. “We began with Gundam Breaker 3, and despite the challenges that followed, there are many fans who love to build and customize their Gundam models,” Tanaka explained. “We’ve received numerous comments from fans asking for a new installment. After internal discussions, we decided to create a new game for these dedicated fans.”
Harnessing New Hardware
One of the most exciting aspects of Gundam Breaker 4 is its development for more powerful hardware, including the PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Steam. Tanaka shared his enthusiasm for this transition: “It’s been exciting. We’re thrilled to bring the game to a wider audience by supporting multiple platforms.” While the PlayStation 5 version supports 60 fps, the Switch runs at a steady 30 fps, with slight differences in graphic resolution. However, Tanaka reassured fans that the game content remains identical across all platforms, ensuring an equally enjoyable experience regardless of the system.
Innovative Gameplay Mechanics
Gundam Breaker 4 introduces significant innovations to the series’ traditional gameplay mechanics, particularly with its active time action system. Players can now equip two different melee weapons, one on each arm, in addition to a ranged weapon. “This allows for more varied and strategic combat options,” Tanaka said. “We want players to think about their combos and which equipment to use. This makes the gameplay more balanced and strategic.”
The development team has also focused on enhancing the tempo and feel of the action, aiming to provide a satisfying and exhilarating combat experience. “We want players to feel exhilarated when they defeat enemies,” Tanaka emphasized.
Robust Single-Player and Online Modes
In terms of content, Gundam Breaker 4 offers a substantial single-player story mode, estimated to take around 20 to 30 hours to complete. Players can replay missions to obtain higher-tier rewards, extending the playtime and adding depth to the experience. Additionally, the new diorama mode allows players to create their own scenes with their Gunpla models, offering a creative outlet alongside the intense action.
The game’s online modes promise even more excitement, with a recent global network test to fine-tune the balance and ensure a seamless multiplayer experience. Tanaka highlighted the importance of community feedback in this process, saying, “The test will allow players to explore customization and help us fine-tune the balance.”
A Message to the Fans
As we concluded our conversation, Tanaka expressed his gratitude to the Gundam Breaker community: “Thank you so much for waiting, fans. We’re finally bringing a new sequel, improving on existing action elements, and adding new features like diorama mode. We are confident that fans will love it.” Gundam Breaker 4 is poised to be a landmark entry in the series. Fans old and new have much to look forward to as they prepare to dive back into this series.
Gundam Breaker 4 is coming to PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Steam on August 28, 2024.