– Travel Blogger

Linguist, foodie, sailor, yogini, and fair weather astrologer, Sophie considers herself a student of the world. And how convenient that is, considering her insatiable lust for learning coupled with an uncanny knack for forgetfulness. She likes to think of it as her brain constantly making room for new material. 

Born on the Day of the Wanderer (insert eye-roll here), Sophie knew from an early age that an urge to explore would be the dominating force in her life. So as soon as she graduated, she bid adieu to rural Virginia and moved to Paris where she started freelance consulting, writing, and teaching English. Her explorations of Paris’ restaurant and bar scene have been published on CheckYourParis.com, a luxury lifestyle blog. These days she yelps, tweets, and blogs about the marvelous things to say, see, and do in Paris, all the while planning her next big trip: a circumnavigation in an Oyster ’46! Well a girl can dream can’t she?

Sophie’s articles on Urban Travel Blog

Paris weekend guide

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