Top Five (Best of)

Everyone loves a good list, and in this series of posts we evaluate the top 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 of famous talking points around the world…. be they the best bath houses in Budapest, the finest microbreweries in Prague, the choicest pierogi in Krakow, or the hippest cocktail lounges in Paris. Trust our writers to send you to only the best places in town!

…not created by Gaudi. Our editor and Barcelona expert highlights five sensational buildings by some of the great man’s contemporaries, lest history – and travellers – overlook them. Although you might find it hard to believe, given the column inches dedicated to our Antoni, Modernisme in Barcelona was far from…

Cheap and filling, it’s often hard to separate the Polish pierog from hard times under the Communist hammer. But with exotic fillings now en vogue the dumpling is reinventing itself as a decidedly bourgeois treat says Simon Taylor. There’s no denying that the Poles love their pierogi (dumplings). Found in cheap…

London’s main attractions are known by virtually every nursery school child from Chile to China, but for this top five we asked Sam Chimes to recommend five of the capital’s forgotten treasures… London is a vast and versatile city, which makes picking out things to do an easy task –…

Paris connoisseur and guidebook writer Marsha Moore shares five of the most weird and wonderful secrets of the French capital. We say forget the Mona Lisa and pay your respects to Barry the rescue dog instead… In a city as beautiful as Paris, it’s tempting to stick to the beaten paths…

What better way to celebrate the festive season with a whirl around one of London‘s romantic outdoor ice rinks? Robert Szmigielski checks out the capital’s finest… and sees if they measure up to his skate expectations. Londoners love to ice-skate. Fact. Indeed, the first recorded example of recreational ice-skating, on…